33 Years

3 Time Zones

1 Slack Channel

120 Hometowns

36 Nationalities

3 Continents

3000 Post-Its

850 Sharpies

28 D&AD Pencils


Strategy /

Identity /

Brand Design /

Innovation /

Brand Experience /

Communications /

Packaging /

Planning /

Film and Motion /

Naming /

Manifestos and Brand Stories /

Consultancy /

Structural Design /

Copywriting /

And More



1:00 EST
The Big Smoke

Unlikeminded people designing brands in a former tea factory. We love tea (obviously), daylight savings time and pub gardens in the sunshine.

Come Join Us

New York

1:00 EST
The City that Never Sleeps

Home to a creative team that eat bagels, hate taxis, have summer Fridays, and make great work.


1:00 EST

The city that moves at warp speed. We are a group of creatives who bond over karaoke and hotpot. As a tight crew with diverse backgrounds, our work transcends cultures.

Come Join Us